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E-Rate Information

July 1, 2025 – June 30, 2026


New Boston ISD has filed a Form(s) 470 Requesting Services for the E-Rate filing year 2025 (July 1,2025 – June 30, 2026). You may find complete filing information on the E-Rate Schools and Library website at . Please refer to the Request for Proposal (RFP) listed below for details. Vendors not previously approved by the New Boston ISD Business Office will be required to submit a completed Vendor Application Packet (see link below) with any submitted proposal response to the RFP(s). All vendor questions submitted will be posted with responses below.


E-Rate Filing Summary:


Maintenance and Operations – District seeks vendor to provide 24/7/365 response to Utility Location Requests such as 811 calls. Vendor will provide damage prevention services, locate and outline-mark the location of district self-provisioned fiber upon requests. District anticipates 11 Emergency Locate Requests, 96 Normal Locate Requests and 11 Project Time Charges per year.

Form 470 Certified:

Form 470 #250019363 (click here to view)

Request For Proposal: 

NBISD 2025 Category 1 RFP 250019363 (click here to view) 

Submitted Questions and Answers:

Q: Would you be able to provide an as built for your self-provisioned network?

A: Yes, we have an as-built map of the District Self-Provisioned Fiber Network available.



New Boston ISD Seeks E-Rate Category 2 funding the following services for the 2024-2025 Cycle:

Include any and all eligible fees, taxes, surcharges, installation, configuration and miscellaneous charges associated with requested services. Vendor must cost allocate ineligible services.


  1. Fiber Optic SFP Transceiver:

Purchase 10 fiber optic SFP transceivers 10GBASE-LR SFP+ SMF 1310NM LC, or equivalent, compatible with fiber optic cabling and existing Cisco Catalyst Switches.


  1. Network Switch:

Purchase 3 Cisco Catalyst 9200L 48-port PoE+ C9200L-48P-4G-EDU with Cisco C9200L-STACK-KIT, and PWR-C5-1KWAC 1KW AC Config 5 Power Supply, or equivalent.


  1. Network Switch Licensing:

Include 3 license(s) as required for use and operation of the switches, listed in Item 2 above, in the school network environment Cisco Digital Network Architecture Essentials C9200L-DNA-E-48-3Y, or equivalent.


  1. Wireless Access Points Licensing:

175 Meraki MR Series Enterprise - Subscription licenses - 12-month licenses for existing Meraki Wireless Access Points, Meraki Part no. LIC-ENT-1YR.


  1. Network Firewall/Security Appliance License:

 1 12-month subscription license, Meraki Part no. LIC-MX450-ENT-1YR, for existing Meraki MX-450 Firewall/Security Appliance



Form 470 Certified:

Form 470 #250019583 (click here to view)

Request For Proposal: 

NBISD 2025 Category 2 RFP 250019583 (click here to view) 


Vendor Application Packet:

Vendor Application Packet (click here to download)


Submitted Questions and Answers:





July 1, 2024 – June 30, 2025


New Boston ISD has filed a Form(s) 470 Requesting Services for the E-Rate filing year 2024 (July 1,2024 – June 30, 2025). You may find complete filing information on the E-Rate Schools and Library website at . Please refer to the Request for Proposal (RFP) listed below for details. Vendors not previously approved by the New Boston ISD Business Office will be required to submit a completed Vendor Application Packet (see link below) with any submitted proposal response to the RFP(s). All vendor questions submitted will be posted with responses below.


E-Rate Filing Summary:


Internet Access and Data Transmission Service - All Campuses in District are connected back to Administration Building via Self-Provisioned Fiber Network. District seeks Internet Access and Data Transmission Service to connect To District Network at 201 Rice Street, New Boston, TX 75570. Service to begin 7/1/2024. Internet Access and Data Transmission can be bundled, or provided separately by one or more vendors, but must include all services necessary to provide Internet Access and Data Transmission for the District. Include any initial build-out, installation, configuration and miscellaneous charges associated with requested services. Please indicate whether VOIP telephony can be layered on the same circuit. Vendor must cost-allocate all E-Rate ineligible services. Request capacity options of 2.5 GB, 5GB and 10GB capacity.


Maintenance and Operations - District seeks to provide 24/7/365 response to Utility Location Requests such as 811 calls. Vendor will provide damage prevention services, locate and outline-mark location of District self-provisioned fiber network upon requests. District anticipates 10 Emergency Locate requests and 100 Normal Locate requests per year, based on average annual requests over the last 6 1/2 years.


Category One Self Provisioned Network / Services Provided over Third-Party Networks - District seeks connectivity from New Boston High School Main Campus to New Construction CTE Building Campus and to New Boston High School Gym Campus. District seeks installation of 6 strand single-mode fiber cabling from New Boston High School Main Campus MDF to new construction CTE Building non-contiguous Campus location and 12 strand single-mode fiber cabling from New Boston High School Main Campus MDF to Gym non contiguous Campus location. Dark or Leased Lit fiber connectivity requires 2 strands single-mode from Main to the CTE Building and 6 strands from Main to the Gym IDF. See RFP for additional details and map. See RFP for details.

Form 470 Certified:

Form 470 #240016965 (click here to view)

Request For Proposal: 

NBISD 2024 Category 1 RFP 240016965 (click here to view) 



New Boston ISD Seeks E-Rate Category 2 funding the following services for the 2024-2025 Cycle:

Service Request 1:

Cabling - Install 72 CAT6e network drops in New Construction Athletic Field House and 48 CAT6e network drops in New Construction CTE Building, both at New Boston High School. Drops estimated at 200 feet per drop. Refer to RFP Description of Services Requested - Item 1 for detailed information.

Service Request 2:

Racks - Install 1 rack in each of the New Construction buildings at New Boston High School - Athletic Field House and CTE Building.  Refer to RFP Description of Services Requested - Item 1.1.2 and Item 1.2.2 for detailed information.

Service Request 3:

Cabling - install 6-strand fiber optic cabling from HS Gym to AG building, approximately 1,000 ft run. Install 6 strand fiber optic cabling from Visitor Field House to new construction Athletic Field House, approximately 1,000 ft run. Refer to RFP Description of Services Requested - Item 2 for detailed information.

Service Request 4:

Antennas, Connectors and Related Components - Provide 8 Fiber optic single-mode SFP Transceivers (1GB or 10GB) compatible with fiber optic cabling and network switches included as part of this request. Refer to RFP Description of Services Requested - Item 3 for detailed information.

Service Request 5:

Switches, and Necessary Software and Licenses - Provide 3 48-port Ethernet PoE switches and 1 24-port Ethernet PoE Switch for new construction Athletic Field House and CTE Building. Refer to RFP Description of Services Requested - Item 4 for detailed information.

Service Request 6:

Switches, and Necessary Software and Licenses - Provide necessary licenses for operation of network switches listed in Service Request 5 above. Refer to RFP Description of Services Requested - Item 5 for detailed information

Service Request 7:

Wireless Access Points and Necessary Software and Licenses - Provide 24 Meraki MR-44 Wireless Access Points or Equivalent for new construction Athletic Field House and CTE Building.  Refer to RFP Description of Services Requested - Item 6.1 for detailed information.

Service Request 8:

Wireless Access Points and Necessary Software and Licenses - Provide 1 Year (12-Month) license for 24 new Wireless Access Points and 100 existing Wireless Access Points. Refer to RFP Description of Services Requested - Item 6.2 for detailed information.

Service Request 9:

Firewall Service, Components, and Necessary Software and Licenses - Provide 1 Year (12-Month) license for existing Meraki MX-400 Firewall/Security Appliance. Refer to RFP Description of Services Requested - Item 7 for detailed information.


Form 470 Certified:

Form 470 #240017927 (click here to view)

Request For Proposal: 

NBISD 2024 Category 2 RFP 240017927 R1 (click here to view) 



Vendor Application Packet:

Vendor Application Packet (click here to download)


Submitted Questions and Answers:

Question: Will these switches (Category 2, Service Request 5 above) require stacking modules?

Answer: Two of the 48 port switches will install in the Athletic Field House and a 48 port switch and 24 port switch will install in the CTE Building. Please price the option of using a stacking module to connect the pair of switches at both locations.


Question: Will the transceivers (Category 2, Service Request 4 above) be used for the new single mode fiber runs? If not, please confirm whether the transceivers will be used for single mode or multimode fiber.

Answer: The transceivers will be used for the new single-mode fiber runs. The Category 2 requests for the switches and the transceivers is intended to price the option of 1GB and 10GB connectivity. The district seeks pricing for either a PoE switch 1GB capability such as the Cisco C9200L-48P-4G with 1GB uplink ports and 1GB single-mode transceivers OR  the C9200L-48P-4x with 10GB uplink ports and 10GB single-mode transceivers. Please price the switches and transceivers with both 1GB and 10GB capability as options.


Question: Will the fiber install require boring?

Answer: Yes, there will be directional boring involved in the installation of the fiber optic cabling requested in both the Category 1 Request Form 470 #240016965 and the Category 2 Request Form 470 #240017927. A site visit may be arranged by contacting the General Contact listed on the applications to survey the site.


Question: We have a question regarding inter-connect conduit with the new buildings.  Specifically, what size conduit will be provided and wll pull tape be already run inside the conduit?

Answer: The fiber installation should include all necessary directional boring, inter-connect conduit and pull tape as needed by the installer. Past projects have utilized Emtelle 7Tube and Hubble 48x30x36 Polymer Concrete Handholes as needed. There aren't plans at this time to provide inter-connect conduit connection between buildings as part of the construction.